- Birdville Bonds
- BOND22 Proposals
What is Proposed within this Bond?
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Safety and Security
Additional Exterior Lighting
Upgrade aging security cameras/door access systems
Fire Alarm system replacement at various campuses
Elevator upgrades at various locations
Mullendore Elementary School
Smith/Francisco elementary schools (Partner School)
*Safety and Security enhancements included for each of these facilities.
Property Purchase/Renovations
Purchase of and renovations to Denton Highway property for new Shannon High School/Special Education programs*
Enclose the Haltom High School courtyard to expand cafeteria and provide an additional entrance into library
Add additional classrooms at Haltom High for Dance and Cheer
Update seating in the Haltom High auditorium
Press boxes at all high school football, baseball and softball fields
Artificial turf at all high school baseball and softball fields
Repair drainage issues in the Birdville High courtyard
Repairs in the courtyard at North Ridge Elementary
HVAC and electrical upgrades
Roofing replacements
Address plumbing, painting and flooring issues at various District locations
Replacement of obsolete equipment
Maintain replacement cycles for:
Current 1:1 student-to-technology ratio; and
Teacher/staff technology
Indoor Multipurpose Activity Centers at all three high schools
ÃÛÌÒÖ±²¥’s bond referendum will not increase the property tax rate for homeowners or businesses. However, a new state law requires all school bond referendum propositions to include ballot language that reads “THIS IS A PROPERTY TAX INCREASE.” Passage of the bond package will not result in an increase in the property tax rate, despite the ballot language stating that there will be a tax increase.
Proposition A: $284,714,315
Safety & Security/
Proposition B: $16,061,775
Proposition C: $59,000,000
Indoor Multipurpose Activity Centers